dscf6943.jpgSnow in Southampton392 views2 commentsgarf09/08/09 at 23:19garf: Cheers Ryan. You would not believe it but the phot...
dscf6943.jpgSnow in Southampton392 views2 commentsgarf09/08/09 at 18:07redshute: Nice photo
free-flash-clock-053.swffree-flash-clock-053557 views1 commentsgarf10/28/08 at 12:24Guest_zmaki: nice
free-flash-clock-036.swffree-flash-clock-036376 views1 commentsgarf10/28/08 at 12:23Guest_Anon: pretty
neon_garfnet.gifneon garfnet286 views2 commentsgarf09/12/08 at 02:27garf: GIMP, with the Gimp Animation Package plug-in, run...
neon_garfnet.gifneon garfnet286 views2 commentsgarf08/31/08 at 14:58Guest_Anon: Done in photoshop or GIMP?
neon-zsuzsi-anniversary.gifneon-zsuzsi-anniversary373 views1 commentsgarf03/31/08 at 17:30garf: For Zsuzsi 2008-03-31
tanya_(36)x[1].jpg422 views1 commentsTanyaDal03/17/08 at 17:04redshute: Great Pic Tanya
dscf4221.jpgAt the Otter Sanctuary376 views3 commentsgarf03/09/08 at 22:14garf: When you tire of rats & hamsters, Chiara, you ...
478d1b85488e6-horz_1-vert_33-horz_getting_angry.jpg220 views1 commentsTanyaDal03/09/08 at 14:47garf: Nice to see you posting again Tanya. This is a ver...
dscf4221.jpgAt the Otter Sanctuary376 views3 commentsgarf03/07/08 at 00:37Chiara: Awww!
dscf4221.jpgAt the Otter Sanctuary376 views3 commentsgarf03/03/08 at 12:17redshute: I do like this one
Pears.JpegExperimenting with a Pear462 views3 commentsredshute02/26/08 at 19:02garf: But that's part of the fun of it I think.
Pears.JpegExperimenting with a Pear462 views3 commentsredshute02/26/08 at 18:19redshute: Yes it is rather. Although Its not brilliant I enj...
DSC_1041.JPGGoal Mouth Action378 views1 commentsredshute02/26/08 at 17:51garf: I like your action shots. Keep em comimg!
Pears.JpegExperimenting with a Pear462 views3 commentsredshute02/26/08 at 17:46garf: Interesting.
DSC_1275copy.JPGA Poole Sunset179 views2 commentsredshute02/22/08 at 14:39redshute: Yes I was quite pleased when I saw this one of Cam...
DSC_1275copy.JPGA Poole Sunset179 views2 commentsredshute02/22/08 at 03:17garf: Thinking about it, I might almost like this better...
Copy123.JpegPoole Sunset172 views1 commentsredshute02/22/08 at 03:15garf: This really is rather good Ryan. Thanks for sharin...
DSC_0160.JPG157 views1 commentsredshute01/08/08 at 17:01garf: What a very handsome and stylish-looking webfooted...
DSCN2294.JPGMe & Deer146 views1 commentsChiara11/18/07 at 16:18garf: Cte pic, you both seem to be looking at each otrhe...
jealousy.JPGJealousy171 views1 commentsTanyaDal11/18/07 at 16:17garf: Scary stuff Tanya. love it! VBW
7.jpg182 views3 commentsredshute11/07/07 at 20:08garf: Cheers mate. Most helpful.
7.jpg182 views3 commentsredshute11/07/07 at 20:00redshute: Have updated my comments below the photo, As asked
7.jpg182 views3 commentsredshute11/06/07 at 23:40garf: This seems to work pretty well, I think. How did y...
composite2b.jpgWith friends like this who needs an enemy?143 views1 commentsTanyaDal11/05/07 at 21:58garf: This is actually quite a disturbing picture when o...
river01POEM.jpgOphelia175 views3 commentsTanyaDal11/04/07 at 12:58djhowiet61: Tanya this is an awesome shot excellent well done
illustration_gothic-dream.jpgillustration - Gothic Dream272 views1 commentsSteinar Lund11/04/07 at 11:50TanyaDal: I love this it is really good
river01POEM.jpgOphelia175 views3 commentsTanyaDal10/30/07 at 14:01redshute: Yes I agree with Garf me too I look forward to wor...
river01POEM.jpgOphelia175 views3 commentsTanyaDal10/30/07 at 12:42garf: Crikey! Dramatic stuff indeed, Tanya. Great to hav...
DSC_0324.JPG125 views1 commentsredshute10/18/07 at 22:34djhowiet61: Ryan wicked sunset where is this shot regards IAN
11_750.jpg128 views1 commentsdjhowiet6110/18/07 at 01:08garf: Nicely composed shot Ian. Best wishes, G.
redschute.jpgRedshute Photography - new lead pic219 views1 commentsgarf10/10/07 at 19:33redshute:
goose.gifMr Goose Animated Logo582 views1 commentsmr.goose10/05/07 at 18:34redshute: Love the goose
Gherkin_building.jpgGherkin Building136 views1 commentsdjhowiet6110/05/07 at 17:58redshute: Nice picture Ian, Look forward to working with you
DSC_0094.JPG161 views1 commentsredshute10/05/07 at 17:13garf: Very atmospheric! One of your best so far, IMHO. ...
Picture_-__dorset_coast_004.jpg132 views1 commentsredshute08/18/07 at 17:25garf: I love these new pix. Well done Ryan!
Peacock.jpgPeacock223 views1 commentsCraig Smorynski11/16/06 at 13:41Guest_BRENDA: SUPER PICTURE
Wasp2.jpgWasp 2262 views1 commentsCraig Smorynski11/16/06 at 13:37Guest_Anon: WASP 2 BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPHY
shipbw.JPGLake Geneva328 views1 commentsKeith Pearce11/12/06 at 13:40garf: What a splendidly dreamy & timeless picture. G
Patriotism.jpgPolitical Protest or Super Patriotism?327 views1 commentsCraig Smorynski09/23/06 at 01:41garf: Can't you get sent to Guantanamo Bay or someth...
Mushrooms12Sept.jpgMushrooms, 12 September 2006304 views1 commentsCraig Smorynski09/23/06 at 01:41garf: Nice Macro
Mushrooms16Sept.jpgMushrooms, 16 September 2006285 views1 commentsCraig Smorynski09/23/06 at 01:40garf: I love these. G
pic01046.jpg'City One Shatin' sign495 views1 commentsgarf02/22/06 at 15:54garf: