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I think it is a family failing that all the Lucas’s believe the planet should have the benefit of our opinions…

I am a card-carrying journalist. Many years ago I had a column on The Sun (a UK tabloid) called ‘The Boring Bit‘ where I reviewed computer software. Since then, I wrote for local press & a variety of promotional and PR assignments for various private companies and public service organisations. Examples may be found at the Wessex Deanery website: http://www.wessex.org.uk/dental

I was also managing Editor of The New Millennium Ezine (AKA The Milly) which ran from 1995 December through to 1999 December. Please visit http://www.garfnet.org.uk/new_mill/index.htm to find out what happened to The Milly.


In recent times I have become more involved with creating & developing open source web-based technolgy – which has proven very time consuming. But my old buddy Mr Goose still has time to tap his little beak on his keyboard in his WordPress-powered blog, here on GarfNet. 

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