General terms and conditions for posting material

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  • Updated 2024-07-06 00:25 UTC

By contributing to GarfNet, you agree to be bound by the following rules.

  1. GarfNet has a zero-tolerance policy regarding any members’ behaviour, on or off-site, likely to bring GarfNet, Garf Technology or site editor Garfield Lucas into disrepute.
  2. In particular, we will not tolerate GarfNet being used to engage in disputes or unpleasantness between site members.
  3. You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, racist, homophobic, threatening, sexually-oriented, dishonest or any other material that may break the law or cause offence to other GarfNet users. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned and your internet service provider being informed.
  4. You agree not to create any inappropriate hyperlinks. Specifically this means no linking to pay-per-view sites or any sites engaging in activities detailed in rule 3 above.
  5. You agree not to send spam or post any advertising materials via any of GarfNet’s facilities. This includes via the contact form, comments boxes and directly to members via their email accounts.
  6. You agree only to post material of which you own the copyright or you have the copyright owners permission.
  7. The IP address of all contributors may be recorded to enforce these rules.
  8. Although the site Editor will attempt to remove or edit any objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every contribution as it appears. Therefore you acknowledge that all contributions express the views and opinions of the author and not of the Editor and hence GarfNet will not be held liable.
  9. You agree that the Editor has the right to remove, edit, move or close any post, image or media object at any time should he deem it necessary.
  10. You agree that any information you have entered to join GarfNet will be stored in a database. 
  11. GarfNet takes personal privacy very seriously and no personal information will be disclosed to any third party without your consent or a Court Order. However you agree that site Editor cannot be held responsible if data is compromised, due to circumstances beyond our control such as a hacking attempt
  12. Like many similar sites, GarfNet uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These are harmless and are required for the proper functioning of our content management systems, e.g. Coppermine, WordPress etc.
  13. You accept that your e-mail address is required for confirming your registration details and password and for sending new passwords should you forget your current one.
  14. You agree that GarfNet’s service is supplied as-is with no warranty of any sort.
  15. You agree that in the event of a dispute, the Editor’s decision is final.

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