Cat Face, episode 1

You are here: Home / Projects / Flash / Humour / Cat Face, episode 1
  • Updated 2022-09-21 04:22 UTC

Cat face.
He’s got a big cat’s face.
He’s got the body of a cat
And the face of a cat
And he flies through the air ’cause he’s got a cat face.
Cat Face!

Silly Cat Face. 🙂

About Cat Face

The Cat Face series was IMO one of the finest examples of the Flash art-form and certainly my favourites amongst all the material that appeared on Weeblestuff over the last couple of decades.  Simple, quirky and very entertaining indeed. Fortunately, Cat Face is still alive and well over on Youtube. These days his adventures are in the form of MP4 videos. And Mr Face is still as funny as ever. So head over to his Youtube Channel and find all the Cat Face episodes.

Also be sure to check out Weeblestuff over on Youtube. In addition to full length Cat Face Catchups you’ll find many other classics such as Magical Trevor, The Badgers and Weebl & Bob.

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