Joomla to Wordpress migration graphic
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Joomla closedown

As you may have noticed, quite a lot has changed here on Garfnet over the last few weeks. Biggest change of all is the decision to dump Joomla as our main CMS in favour of WordPress. I will go into more detail about the decision in another post. Suffice it to say that WordPress is significantly less hassle to maintain than Joomla. And a migration of this sort, on a site this size, is no mean task. So it was not a decision that was made lightly.

Anyway we have moved all the content from the old Joomla site and set it up here. There is still quite a lot of tidying up to do. I also need to set up a number of redirects, in order to keep Google and its ilk happy.  Currently the old Joomla site is currently still live, while all the various adjustments are made to the new site.  I intend to close the old site down permanently at 2019-02-02. 00:00 UTC. Meantime readers may wish to adjust their bookmarks:-

You will also note that Garfnet is now an SSL site – URL’s start “https”, using “LetsEncrypt” encryption. And the new site is “responsive”. That is, the pages resize nicely to suit mobile devices. Actually there still is a bit of work to do in this context but I’m working on it.

Of course, some things have not changed. GarfNet is still hosted by DEOSS – as it has been since 2006, and it still runs GNU/Linux, as it has since 1995. Majority of customer sites have always been WordPress sites. The earliest of which was also started back in 2006.

Meantime a list of many of the other changes can be found at:-

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  1. ” Suffice it to say that WordPress is significantly less hassle to maintain than WordPress.”

    2 wordpress.. I guess the 2nd should readJoomla ?

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