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Coronavirus misinformation

Evil bastards exploit crisis in order to turn a fast buck

Seems Facebook does not have a monopoly on coronavirus misinformation. Just checked a honeypot email account I keep active just to see what spam is currently doing the rounds. In addition to the usual plethora of luscious babes who are dying to have sex with me, and ads flogging pills to ensure it stays up long enough to do the business, it seems there’s also plenty of disingenuous shite exploiting the coronavirus crisis too.

The spelling mistakes in this particular example rather give the game away – and I have removed all the dangerous links in case anyone clicks them by accident. However, there are better-spelt and more plausible versions out there. I dare say as time goes on, these scams will become increasingly sophisticated and believable. And lot of desperate people seeking a miracle cure will be shafted, or worse…

Watch This Important Health Bulletin Before It’s TOO LATE


Military Source Exposes Shocking TRUTH About Coronavirus And The “1 Thing” You Must Do Before It’s TOO LATE


Watch This vedio To Discover.

How to Superecharge Your Immunity.
SO you’re less likely to catch the deadlu Coonavirus.

What To Say To The Millatry.
To legaly Evoid forced vaccinations & avoid toxins.

How To Use The Thailand “Survival Cocktail”.
To increase your odds of survival if infected.

Seems this particular scam aims to bilk the gullible to the tune of 37 bucks for a book entitled “Pandemic Survival Guide“, whilst taking all your credit card details, of course. Others offer diet pills that coincidentally cure coronavirus. Which is wonderful. I am surprised that WHO hasn’t bought up a lorry load of the stuff yet! 🙂 There’s yet another scam flogging toothpaste (yes toothpaste!) that contains a magic ingredient that its sellers claim will make you immune to coronavirus.

So please be careful out there folks. As my dear old grandad used to say: “it’s yer money they’re after!

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