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I have been fascinated by photography ever since I was a child. These days I am seldom more than a few metres from a camera. My photographic interests sprawl from artificial intelligence through to vintage zoom lenses. Unsurprisingly, there’s also quite a lot of Linux in the middle. :-) More…

A cameraless photography story for St Valentine’s Day…
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A cameraless photography story for St Valentine’s Day…

I had a studio photoshoot booked for last weekend. Unfortunately, my model was poorly and it was too late to book another. So I was in the unusual situation of actually having a free day, whilst also being in an experimental frame of mind. So I thought it might be rather good fun to try…

Merry Christmas 2024
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Merry Christmas 2024

Wishing you a very merry peaceful Christmas, followed by a happy, successful New Year. Creating this year’s card This year we wanted to do something a little different. So we decided to deploy Stable Diffusion open source artificial intelligence to generate the main image. Unfortunately AI is not good at drawing signs. So that was…

British Government’s open consultation on copyright and artificial intelligence
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British Government’s open consultation on copyright and artificial intelligence

Seems the British Government has set up an open consultation on copyright and artificial intelligence. It aims to discuss with the public how artwork stored on cloud servers, or processed using cloud-based software should be treated with regard to being used to teach AI (artificial intelligence) machines. Essentially the Government offers three possible choices:- Do…

Unflattering AI images of Donald Trump
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Unflattering AI images of Donald Trump

For reasons I will never understand, it seems the United States has just re-elected 34-times convicted criminal and adjudicated rapist Donald J Trump as its president. As a Brit, sadly there is nothing I can do about this. All I can offer the world is a few futile acts of defiance, whilst mercilessly ridiculing jumped-up…

Removing failed rubberised coating from equipment.
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Removing failed rubberised coating from equipment.

One of my pet hates is the soft-touch rubberised coating some manufactures put on their kit. It invariably fails sooner or later. Indeed, I’ve had quite a lot of kit over the years where the rubberised coating has failed. Fortunately it is usually fixable – or to be more precise, removable. Depending on the coating’s…

SD cards become read-only on insertion
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SD cards become read-only on insertion

One of  the most annoying features on standard SD cards is the write protect tab. This tab often seems to get caught and pushed into the “read only” position when one inserts an SD card into a card reader or camera. Thus rendering the card “read only”. It seems a particular issue with the slots…

Arca desk clamp for a heavy smartphone
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Arca desk clamp for a heavy smartphone

I’m a clumsy clot and I’m always knocking my phone off my desk. OK it’s ruggedised and the floor is carpeted. Nevertheless, ruggedisation has its limits. Also my phone is a heavy old beast, weighing some 360 grams. That’s around 3/4 lb in “old money“. Which means that those flimsy plastic phone holders you see…

Why I still quite like Micro Four Thirds
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Why I still quite like Micro Four Thirds

About a decade ago, I decided to go “mirrorless” – basically abandoning my heavy old Pentax DSLR and going for a system camera that is smaller and lighter. At the time I considered the new Fuji mirrorless offerings and micro four thirds. Problem was that at the time Fuji raw files would not work in…

Affordable CCT spotlights for the studio
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Affordable CCT spotlights for the studio

I’ve been flirting with affordable LED in the studio for over a decade. And on each experiment, I’ve had change out of fifty quid. My latest sortie involved a pair of these things  They have simple removable diffuser, reducing the need for a soft-box, they’re fairly robust and in addition to being dimmable they also…

Backup strategies
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Backup strategies

I suffered my first hard disk failure way back in 1987. Fortunately I recovered 99% of my data. However, successful recovery required quite a lengthy struggle and a somewhat inelegant bodge. Since then, I’ve held something of a fascination, some might even say an obsession with backup systems. Over the years, I have tried all…

Home-made detachable camera straps
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Home-made detachable camera straps

Today I decided to make my own affordable detachable camera and equipment lanyard straps. I used some cheap generic “Peak Design compatible” buckles, bought direct from China via Ali Express, together with some generic anchors from the same source. I also used some 25mm nylon webbing I’ve had kicking round for ages. Granted, perhaps bright…

Preventing cable connectors from falling out of cameras
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Preventing cable connectors from falling out of cameras

A couple of months back, a question was raised with regard to how to prevent cable connectors falling out of cameras during tethered shoots. Well my tethered shoots are almost always tethered wirelessly these days. However I do sometimes need to attach a power lead. As my wife reminded me, when we’ve done shoots with…

Repairing a dead YN565EX II speedlight
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Repairing a dead YN565EX II speedlight

Photographer pal changed the batteries in his dead YN565EX II speedlight flash gun. Unfortunately when he tried to witch it on, it didn’t work. He tried several sets of batteries. No luck. For those not familiar with the device, the Yongnuo YN565EX II is a relatively affordable battery-powered Chinese flash speedlight for both professional and…

How I mounted my 120-year-old Bausch & Lomb + Beck lens
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How I mounted my 120-year-old Bausch & Lomb + Beck lens

Several people have contacted me privately and asked for information regarding how I actually mounted my 120-year-old Bausch & Lomb + Beck lens on my µ4/3 camera. I hope in this article to shed a little light on how one can make such an old lens and seemingly-incompatible lens actually stay on a modern mirrorless…

120 year old Bausch & Lomb + Beck lens, in action, on Portsdown Hill
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120 year old Bausch & Lomb + Beck lens, in action, on Portsdown Hill

Regular readers may know that my 2023 Christmas project was to make this 120 year old Bausch & Lomb + Beck lens fit on my µ4/3 cameras and actually capture some pictures with it. Unfortunately, at the time, the weather was too wet to take the thing outdoors. Fortunately by early January the weather became…