- Updated 2025-02-02 17:29 UTC
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Welcome to my image gallery. I am quite a keen photographer and I am particularly fond of digital cameras. I also rather enjoy bolting very old lenses on fairly new cameras. These galleries have been gathered over the last thirty years or so, on a variety of different cameras and other sources. There are also assorted screengrabs and wallpapers that are/will provide graphical content for various articles, forum posts and journal entries. Plus there’s a bit of what some people like to refer to as “artificial intelligence” but we prefer to call “synthetic stupidity“.
Consequently a lot of what you find here won’t mean much on it’s own. It’s a sort of poor man’s Smugmug or Flickr, if you like. But if you just like looking at pictures, completely out of any meaningful context, then this is the place for you.
Photographs taken during 2001...
Editor’s note: this gallery system is based on NextGen gallery. It is envisaged that it will shortly supersede our old Coppermine-based media library, certainly for management of images. There will inevitably be some duplication. Coppermine was installed back in 2006, when 640 x 480 pixels was considered a “large image” for the internet. The old Coppermine gallery is still available, though we are not accepting any third party users any more.