Rip-off Britain, BBC-style

I gave my girlfriend my TV. She doesn’t watch it either! You see, here in the UK we have to pay over a hundred quid a year for a “TV Licence” just to watch this junk – even if you only watch foreign channels via satellite!

If you don’t have a TV Licence then the TV Licensing Authority send you letters asking why you don’t have a Licence? Most of mine go in the goose-shredder, unopened. But I confess I sent the last one back with just two words written on it with my large webbed feet, in thick, felt-tip pen. The second word was “OFF”.

And we still have vans with ‘revolving roof racks‘ roaming the streets trying to catch those who watch but don’t pay!

Now, to cap it all, the silly sods at the BBC have just given a revolting, gobby moron called Jonathan Ross a £18-million, 3-year contract, 100% paid for by the Licence Payers!

Most of the Licence Payers I have discussed the matter with would happily club together and pay that just to have the guy assassinated!

Honk! Honk!

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