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Merry Christmas 2023

Merry Christmas 2023 from GarfNet, in a cold, damp, wet and windy Old Blighty. Like last year, its all a tad dull and gloomy here and many folks here are not exactly brimming with festive cheer, this year. Nevertheless, merry Christmas anyway… 🙂

About the picture

The photo is entitled “The easily LED geese of Kyoto” and actually has nothing whatsoever to do with Christmas. It was in fact taken in Kyoto, Japan, one wet rainy evening in April. It was a rather snazzy LED display outside a hotel. But the photo had that “broken AI” look so we thought it would give a vaguely amusing topical feel to this year’s Yuletide offering. 🙂

Previous year’s cards

You can see all our cards going right back to 1988 here…


  1. Hey Garf.

    Love that Geese are still the theme all these years later 🙂

    Hope you and yours are having a great 2024!


  2. Yep. I always had a bit of a soft spot for Geese. 🙂

    Things are going OK. I hope all is well with you too?


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