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Author: Garf

Cleaning a camera CCD with a vacuum cleaner and a Lens Pen
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Cleaning a camera CCD with a vacuum cleaner and a Lens Pen

I had Fuji S1, S2 & S3, all of which had dust magnets for sensors! They would get dirty even if I did not remove the lenses, simply from the air that got sucked in by varying the focal length of the lens. However, I cleaned them quite successfully with a vacuum cleaner. However there…

Using VirtualBox to run Windows apps that will not run on WINE
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Using VirtualBox to run Windows apps that will not run on WINE

I’m a big fan of WINE and an even bigger fan of CrossoverLinux. This is the commercial implementation of WINE by CodeWeavers. For many Windows apps it works very well indeed. In many ways I prefer it to using a virtual machine (VM) because firstly one does not have to start a VM just to…

Splash screen
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UK taxpayers can submit tax returns online using GNUCash open source software

I just completed my UK tax return on-line today. At the end of it all, HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs) ask for some feedback. I thought that fans of open source software might be interested in my response:- “This is certainly a great improvement over previous years. It actually saved me a lot of…

How do I stop Google indexing a particular page on my site?
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How do I stop Google indexing a particular page on my site?

There are several ways to stop Google and most other search engines indexing a page. The simplest is to use a “noindex” metatag on any pages you don’t want indexed. Here’s the HTML code, in context. (Obviously the text between the <title></title> tags is just there for show and is not relevant to the workings…

Backing up using big, cheap hard disks and some nifty Unix tools
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Backing up using big, cheap hard disks and some nifty Unix tools

We all have our favourite methods of data backup. Certainly DVD is a good archiving and distribution medium. But for routine backup, I look for reliability, low cost, ease of use, high-speed, high capacity and redundancy – so I am not reliant on just one device. One of my favourite methods is a complete off-site…

KDE 4 logo
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How to upgrade to “Goosebuntu” – a fully loaded (K)ubuntu 8.xx (Hardy) system

Note this primarily applies to (K)Ubuntu 8.xx. For (K)Ubuntu 7.xx please visit earlier (and possibly outdated) article:- This is a quickand very effective way to beef up your (K)Ubuntu installation. Basically the list below contains most of my favouirite (K)Ubuntu applications complete with their code libraries. The name "Goosebuntu" is not entirely serious –…

How to upgrade from Ubuntu to Kubuntu (version 8.xx – Hardy)
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How to upgrade from Ubuntu to Kubuntu (version 8.xx – Hardy)

Firstly please back up anything that is important – as you would with any major upgrade on any computer system! Then you can either use the Synaptic package manager or in this instance it is probably quicker to install from a Terminal window. First we make sure the system is fully up to date. Simply…

Setting file and directory properties separately and recursively
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Setting file and directory properties separately and recursively

Sometimes in GNU/Linux one needs to set file and directory permissions separately and recursively. This is a way to do it. Set file permissions:- find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644 ; Set directory permissions- find . -type d -exec chmod 755 \{\} \; Note these are powerful commands with which you…

Splash screen
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GNUCash – serious open source accounting software

Nowadays, one reads a lot about open source equivalents of proprietary software. Often these are described as poor substitutes for the real thing. However, some open source apps are starting seriously to outperform their proprietary counterparts. Mozilla Firefox is a classic example of this phenomenon. GNUCash is another.  GNUCash vs Microsoft Money I was a…

I can’t open raw files from my digital camera
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I can’t open raw files from my digital camera

Usually the camera manufacturer will  provide software that handles raw files from your camera. However, several problems can arise:– You change computer and loose the original software. You have several cameras made by different manufacturers but want to use the same application to deal with their raw files. You don’t use Micro$oft Windows. So what…