Media Library

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Four girls by Cathy Linaker

This part of the site grew so large that it became unmanageable using conventional HTML pages. So, way back in 2006, after a bit of research we decided to use an excellent content management system called Coppermine. These links will take you to the key areas.

Coppermine sadly also has its downsides. The main one being that it is not particularly user-friendly. End users and those managing the site find it cumbersome. There is a new version of Coppermine coming outat some point. But until then, we have opted to run a simpler, much more friendly gallery, in parellel. The underlying softeware is called NextGen Gallery, and it integrates rather nicely WordPress. I’m also taking the opportunity to upload some high-resolution material. When we first deployed Coppermine, 640×480 pixels was considered a large image!