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Moggy takes a dip

It was a lazy Bank Holiday Monday morning and we had just crawled out of bed, when we heard a bit of a splash outside. We opened the curtains and noticed the water in the pond was moving, But we didn’t know why. Fortunately Zoneminder captured the incident from one of our security cameras. So we decided to play back the video to see what happened…

Transpires that it was next door’s cat. For some inexplicable reason it decided to leap into our pond. It must have known it was wet because it was drinking from it a day earlier. Anyway, within a second of hitting the water, it was out again. In fact, as you can see from the slow-motion playback, the whole incident was over in less than two seconds, start-to-finish.

No cats were harmed during this video – though it did get rather wet and perhaps a tad embarrassed. 🙂

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