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Merry Christmas 2022

Merry Christmas 2022 from Garfnet, in a cold, damp, gloomy, strike-riddled, post-Brexit Britain. Seems we really are going back to the seventies this year. This is a Winter of Discontent that rivals that of 1978-79. In fact, there are so many strikes happening here at the moment that the Guardian newspaper has published a regularly updated list, just so that folks can catch up…

There’s a combined rail and Highways Agency strike.  So the motorways will resemble moving car parks. Some of our so-called “smart” motorways may even be closed completely because there is no one to watch the cameras or manage the electronic signage. To try to alleviate the chaos at some major airports, seems the Army has been brought in to substitute for striking Border Force staff.

So folks here are not exactly brimming with festive cheer, this year. Still, merry Christmas anyway… 🙂

About the picture

These beautiful Embden geese are some of the residents of the Weald and Downland Living Museum in West Sussex. England.

If you fancy paying them a visit, you’ll find they are very friendly and talkative. They are great photographic models too and really seem to enjoy posing for the camera. There are lots of other interesting things to see while you are there too. The Weald and Downland is about 11km north of Chichester, just off the A286.

Previous year’s cards

You can see all our cards going right back to 1988 here…

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