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Bye Bye Boris, again

Amongst his many sackings for lying, he was sacked by the Times for making up quotes. So yes, the Daily Heil does indeed seem to be the perfect place for Boris to get paid stupid money for making up more asinine far-right crap.

A more detailed list of Johnson’s more egregious lies…

And as ever, Mr Pie summarises the Boris situation with millimetric (but slightly sweary) precision…

Captured on video…

Seems one of the parties that Boris “didn’t think was a party”, and thought it was a “work meeting”, drunken Tories are dancing within centimetres of each other. During which, voices can be heard taking the piss out of COVID regulations. The location of this piss-up – er I mean works meeting? Tory party HQ, London. Even worse, it turns out that one of the revellers was Ben Mallet – a man that Boris recommended for an MBE in this year’s honours list…

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