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These are a few general observations that might be of interest to some people.

Cleaning a camera CCD with a vacuum cleaner and a Lens Pen
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Cleaning a camera CCD with a vacuum cleaner and a Lens Pen

I had Fuji S1, S2 & S3, all of which had dust magnets for sensors! They would get dirty even if I did not remove the lenses, simply from the air that got sucked in by varying the focal length of the lens. However, I cleaned them quite successfully with a vacuum cleaner. However there…

A cyber café for thirty quid? Farcical or feasible?
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A cyber café for thirty quid? Farcical or feasible?

“10 pc Cybercafé for 30ukp!!!!” was the triumphant claim of a recent post on the Puppy Linux users forum… Thirty pounds sterling is about fifty US dollars – not a lot of money. Needless to say my colleagues and I were intrigued and perhaps even a tad sceptical. More intriguing was the claim that…

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Traubi or traubisoda is a brand of soft drink flavoured with grape juice. It is produced in Hungary, Austria and Croatia. Before 1995, in Hungary, it was made by a factory called Traubi Hungaria located in the village of Balatonvilágos. The company produces the drink from a special type of Hungarian grapes, called saszla. The…