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These are a few general observations that might be of interest to some people.

Facebook’s fortunes on the turn…
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Facebook’s fortunes on the turn…

Social networking platforms come and go. Does anyone remember Myspace? or Bebo? Granted, Facebook has enjoyed a longer run than most. But today saw parent company Meta’s shares plummet by a staggering $226 billion. That’s the biggest one-day loss for any US company, ever. This comes on top of news last month that a…

Installing our weather station
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Installing our weather station

Here are a few snaps taken as we installed Weather Station Aercus Weathersleuth WH24 External Sensor Cluster. It really needed to be up as high as possible, yet reasonably easy to maintain. It also needed to be clear of obstructions. Well, as clear as our postage-stamp sized backyard will allow. The only viable place was…

Sliderule – the eco-friendly computer from days of old
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Sliderule – the eco-friendly computer from days of old

Some of my favourite computers require no PSU, no batteries, no RAM, no disks, no upgrades and they are 100% resistant to all known malware. No, I’m not talking about some newfangled Linux. I’m talking about good old fashioned sliderules. 🙂 Sliderules top to bottom… Top: Darmstadt 304. Despite its German-sounding name, this sliderule was…

Shattaf – a healthy solution to the toilet roll shortage
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Shattaf – a healthy solution to the toilet roll shortage

Left: complete installation including toilet, cistern, isolating valve hose, mounting bracket and the shattaf itself.  Right: Close-up of shattaf. It is quite small, measuring approximately 11 cm long and about 6 cm front-to-back. As the coronavirus crisis deepens, seems we also have the deeply undignified spectacle of fully grown adults publicly fighting each other as…

Covid 19 “Honest Government Ad”
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Covid 19 “Honest Government Ad”

They say “many a true word spoken in jest“. This seems particularly applicable to this short “honest government” video produced by Australia’s JuiceMedia… Background to the video JuiceMedia’s “Honest Government Ad” started life as satire.  But its probably the most truthful representation where we are right now with COVID-19. This associated video podcast explains its…

Rescuing a starling trapped in our bird feeder
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Rescuing a starling trapped in our bird feeder

This morning I heard a strange commotion outside the studio window, From the corner of my eye, I could see that the transparent bird feeder appeared to be moving on its own. On close inspection I discovered that the incredibly boisterous and greedy young starlings we have round here had smashed the lid off the…

The Big Russian – my MTO 1000 mm catadioptric lens
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The Big Russian – my MTO 1000 mm catadioptric lens

This is by far my largest and longest focal-length lens. Rumour has it that the MTO 1000 mm catadioptric lens was “standard issue” to KGB surveillance operatives during the Cold War Era. MTO itself also has an interesting history. Seems it started out by making the huge glass reflectors for Russian anti-aircraft arc-lights. It made…