When is a studio is not a studio? When it's being used for something else! In this instance some late-night upgrading of a number of remote Linux servers, as I recall.
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Working from home during the current crisis

Seems a lot of people are struggling working from home rather than going into the office. Some are suggesting that a daily routine helps them. Personally, I don’t really have a daily routine – providing I can start the day with a strong black coffee and have my daily “number two’s”, then I’m sorted. 🙂

I’m lucky because I love my work, and I have worked mostly from home for almost three decades. I tend to work well into the night, and get my most creative ideas between about 23:00 and 02:00. I don’t need any special motivation to do this. It’s automatic for me.

But I do have a massive backlog of stuff to do. Right now I am trying to finish of a load of images from the last shoot I did a couple of weeks back. It’s taken me much longer than it should and TBH I have made a number of rather silly mistakes. But I am keeping the lass in the loop.

Next, my accounts need updating. I try to do them contemporaneously but ATM I am six weeks behind. Then I have to perform a massive OS upgrade on my webserver. It has to be done remotely by SSH, and looks like it may prove to be quite a tricky old job. Also have lots of sites that need updating, including garfnet.

Completing unfinished projects

Then I have a flat screen TV to fix. This is another tricky old job involving de-soldering a load of duff SMD LEDs and soldering replacements to flexible PCB strips in order to repair the back light system. And there’s a second FST that I intend to strip out most of the works and use the case and chassis to form the base of an infinitely variable RGBCCT LED softbox. I’m planning to use a MiLight controller. This means I will be able to control the thing from my smartphone – providing it all comes together as planned.

While all that is going on, I feel I really need to brush up on my programming skills, especially PHP7, MariaDB SQL and BASH shell scripting. And there’s our spare room literally full of stuff I need to sell on eBay.

When my mother downsized last year, she gave me her sewing machine kit, c/w a designer cabinet and all the accessories, bits and bobs. It’s a lovely bit of kit and could be so useful for maintaining our costume collection – and perhaps even for making new costumes. So I really must get to grips with that too.

On top of that, my wife has a list as long as her arm of things she wants me to do. Idle hands and all that… 🙂

Seems my “to do” is virtually endless at the moment.

Jonathan Pie in self isolation

Meantime, here’s how Tom Walker, better known as Jonathan Pie is handling self isolation and working from home…

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