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USB Type D
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USB Type D

Having all become familiar with USB C, seems the USB Group has just announced an even newer and faster connection standard, to be known as “USB D”. Of course, like all new Universal Serial Bus connectors, it will be completely incompatible with all previous USB standards. To guarantee incompatibility, the new connectors will be circular….

Covid 19 “Honest Government Ad”
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Covid 19 “Honest Government Ad”

They say “many a true word spoken in jest“. This seems particularly applicable to this short “honest government” video produced by Australia’s JuiceMedia… Background to the video JuiceMedia’s “Honest Government Ad” started life as satire.  But its probably the most truthful representation where we are right now with COVID-19. This associated video podcast explains its…

BREAKING: Brexit voters to be to pay extra “Brexit Tax” to pay for leaving the EU

BREAKING: Brexit voters to be to pay extra “Brexit Tax” to pay for leaving the EU

It appeared on the AP this morning and hasn’t hit the mainstream news yet, but the EU has just announced that ongoing Brexit negotiations have cost in excess of €1,500,000,000. Brussels has decided that the fairest way to recuperate this money is to tax those who actually voted for it. The current proposal is that…