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Some of the questions that readers have asked over the years.

Setting file and directory properties separately and recursively
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Setting file and directory properties separately and recursively

Sometimes in GNU/Linux one needs to set file and directory permissions separately and recursively. This is a way to do it. Set file permissions:- find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644 ; Set directory permissions- find . -type d -exec chmod 755 \{\} \; Note these are powerful commands with which you…

I can’t open raw files from my digital camera
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I can’t open raw files from my digital camera

Usually the camera manufacturer will  provide software that handles raw files from your camera. However, several problems can arise:– You change computer and loose the original software. You have several cameras made by different manufacturers but want to use the same application to deal with their raw files. You don’t use Micro$oft Windows. So what…

My camera cards keep getting corrupted. Can I prevent this?
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My camera cards keep getting corrupted. Can I prevent this?

I’ve had cheapo cards that I dropped, kicked, trod on, used a squillion times, paid the proverbial tuppence ha’penny for and they are still going. Others, even the expensive ones have failed or become flaky within a few months – or worse, clapped out just outside the warranty. Similarly hard disks can fail in the…

Windows can’t read from my camera’s memory card
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Windows can’t read from my camera’s memory card

Editor’s note: since writing this article, I have had huge problems with RTools spamming me. I have asked them many times to stop, yet still they persist. My advice is do not use any RTools product. Or that if you must use RTools, do NOT register, otherwise they will pester you forever. Using the free…

How to make (K)Ubuntu play copy-protected DVD’s, and…
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How to make (K)Ubuntu play copy-protected DVD’s, and…

…and Windows Media, Skype and GoogleEarth One of the problems with (K)Ubuntu (and many other Linux distributions) is that it will not play commercial, copy-protected DVD’s and a number of other proprietary file formats, out-of-the-box. There are complex legal and ethical reasons for this. However, many users just want to play their files and watch…

How to upgrade to “Goosebuntu” – a fully loaded (K)ubuntu 7.xx (Gutsy) system
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How to upgrade to “Goosebuntu” – a fully loaded (K)ubuntu 7.xx (Gutsy) system

Note this applies to Ubuntu 7.xx and may be out of date. For Ubuntu 8.xx please visit:- These are my favourite (K)ubuntu applications. The name “Goosebuntu” is not entirely serious – it is just a name we coined in the office. However the following apps will turn a standard Kubuntu installation into something really…

How to upgrade from Ubuntu to Kubuntu (version 7.xx – Gutsy)
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How to upgrade from Ubuntu to Kubuntu (version 7.xx – Gutsy)

Firstly please back up anything that is important – as you would with any major upgrade on any computer system! Then you can either use the Synaptic package manager or in this instance it is probably quicker to install from a Terminal window. First we make sure the system is fully up to date. Simply…

Icom IC-R20 header image
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How to install CS-R20 software for Icom IC-R20 on Linux

It seems that with a little determination, the CS-R20 for the Icom IC-R20 software can be persuaded to run on Linux. I eventually made the CS-R20 software load under Kubuntu Linux using Crossover (a commercial implementation of WINE). The method in this article should work with many other Debian-derived Linuxes too, perhaps with a little…

I want a really good website but I don’t want to pay for it!
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I want a really good website but I don’t want to pay for it!

Before you read any further, you need to ask yourself some questions. What do you actually want? A social networking site such as Myspace? A freebie site such as Moonfruit? A freebie to host  pictures like Flickr, Photobucket or even GarfNet Pictures? Or do you want a fully functioning business website that you can edit…

Cannot upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy
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Cannot upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy

2007-10-18 saw the release of the latest Ubuntu & Kubuntu Linux, version 7.10, also known as Gutsy. Unfortunately a number of users are having difficulties with the upgrade. Seems that either the “Version Upgrade” button doesn’t show in your package manager…  Or if it does show then you cannot go much further. Adept users…

Ok so I installed Ubuntu but I hate the Gnome desktop?
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Ok so I installed Ubuntu but I hate the Gnome desktop?

If you want a version of Ubuntu that looks & feels like more like your familiar Windoze XP then try the free upgrade to Kubuntu. Kubuntu uses the KDE desktop. IMHO KDE is loads nicer and much more feature-rich than either Windoze or the Gnome desktop. As well as being highly customisable, KDE makes extensive…

Will Google be the new Microsoft?
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Will Google be the new Microsoft?

Well they say absolute power corrupts. On the other hand the two companies are quite different. The corporate ethos and the attitude towards creativity are almost complete opposites.  For example, I never heard any Google execs reported as using expressions such a “embrace, extend and extinguish“… Embrace,_extend_and_extinguish And I think or at least I…

What is the best image library management system for me?
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What is the best image library management system for me?

Singapore vs SimpleViewer vs Coppermine? All three of these are excellent products. However, the expression horses for courses leaps to mind here. These are quite different in they way they work and are aimed at very different markets.  Just because a particular product is better for me, it doesn’t mean it is neccessarily better for…

How does GarfNet manage its image library?
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How does GarfNet manage its image library?

Editor’s note 2018-01-01: Coppermine has been deprecated and we are no longer actively adding to it, nor are we accepting content on it from third-party users. The following text is kept here purely for historical purposes. We’ve been using Coppermine (a free, open source PHP/MYSQL gallery & database system) for several years here on GarfNet….

Posting pictures on GarfNet Coppermine
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Posting pictures on GarfNet Coppermine

Editor’s note 2018-01-01: Coppermine has been deprecated and we are no longer actively adding to it, nor are we accepting content on it from third-party users. The following text is kept here purely for historical purposes. Whilst most of this is already covered in the “General rules for posting material on GarfNet“,  I would like…

How to install PHPRunner 4.0 on Ubuntu Linux
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How to install PHPRunner 4.0 on Ubuntu Linux

PHPRunner is arguably the best PHP scripting tool currently available. Trouble is that at time of writing, there is only a version for M$ Windoze. This explains how I managed to persuade it work under Linux using Codeweavers CrossoverOffice 6.1.0 – a comercial implementation of WINE. First, I  downloaded PHPRunner 4.0 “Build 264” – the…

Persuading ThumbsPlus for Windows to work on Ubuntu Linux
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Persuading ThumbsPlus for Windows to work on Ubuntu Linux

This is a crude but effective way to make one of my favourite Windows applications, Cerious Software’s ThumbsPlus! version 6 or 7 work reasonably well on Linux, by using Codeweavers Crossover. This is something of a bodge and it has come about more by trial and error rather than by rational scientific reasoning – so…

FHS (File Hierarchy System) on Unix-like operating systems such as Linux
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FHS (File Hierarchy System) on Unix-like operating systems such as Linux

The Linux file system can seem a little strange especially for those coming from an M$ Windoze background. This is my humble attempt at debunking it and perhaps making it a little easier to understand. Several main differences… There are some important differences between the DOS/Windows type file system and the system used by Unix-derived…

Can I get my  scanner | printer | copier | teamaker | etc. working on Linux?
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Can I get my scanner | printer | copier | teamaker | etc. working on Linux?

These days, seems a lot of folks are ringing or emailing me asking how to get their printer | scanner | trouser-press | etc. working under Linux. Surprisingly, some devices actually are very easy indeed to install under Linux. For example, almost any laser printer that has Postscript will work with the generic Linux Postscript…