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These are some of my technology writings. I am a firm believer in the value of open source software and the culture of openness and cooperation that surrounds it. So most of my written work today is about open source rather than proprietary products. If you are looking for information about Microsoft products or anything Windows-based, then you are probably in the wrong place – though please feel free to look around anyway, if you have a few moments to spare.

What about WEBP?
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What about WEBP?

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format for images has served us well for nearly three decades. But is is essentially a 1990’s format. Today we have better ways of compressing images. The most popular currently is Google’s WEBP (Web Picture) Format. Many modern websites use WebP as its default format for uploaded images that it…

Stainless steel router rack
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A fully loaded miniature stainless steel router rack

A few folks have asked me what I use to keep our various networking and internet connectivity kit neat and tidy, yet reasonably service friendly. Well, I have to admit that it was rather a muddle for a many years. That was until I decided to make a simple multistorey stainless steel router rack. Moreover,…

TV versus on-line video sites such as Youtube
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TV versus on-line video sites such as Youtube

Some interesting questions arose recently on a forum to which I belong.  Members were comparing conventional broadcast TV with on-line video sites such as Youtube, and asking… What are people watching on YouTube? Are they watching new material ?  Or are they watching old repeats that are be being shown in breach of copyright? Are…

Image processing using FOSS
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Image processing using FOSS

I belong to several online photography fora. One of the questions that repeatedly pops up is “what image editing software do you use?” and “what alternatives are there to Adobe Photoshop/Lightroom?” In this article, I hope to demonstrate that high quality image processing is perfectly possible using FOSS (free open source software). I will also…

Facebook’s fortunes on the turn…
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Facebook’s fortunes on the turn…

Social networking platforms come and go. Does anyone remember Myspace? or Bebo? Granted, Facebook has enjoyed a longer run than most. But today saw parent company Meta’s shares plummet by a staggering $226 billion. That’s the biggest one-day loss for any US company, ever. This comes on top of news last month that a…

Is a smartphone a substitute for a proper camera?
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Is a smartphone a substitute for a proper camera?

“Is a smartphone a substitute for a proper camera?” was an interesting question, posed on a photographic forum to which I belong . It certainly got me thinking… Firstly, I think there is a certain element of “using the right tool for the job” here. An analogy if I may: one can (un)do most screws…

GNU’s not Unix? If not then why not?
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GNU’s not Unix? If not then why not?

The GNU/Linux family of operating systems (e.g. Debian, Fedora, KDE Neon, Kubuntu, LinuxMint, Red Hat, Ubuntu, Xubuntu et al) are not permitted to use the UNIX trademark. Instead, they are described as “unix-like“. In fact, the “GNU” in GNU/Linux (c/w the “G” in GIMP) is a recursive acronym meaning GNU’s not Unix. In a nutshell,…

Installing our weather station
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Installing our weather station

Here are a few snaps taken as we installed Weather Station Aercus Weathersleuth WH24 External Sensor Cluster. It really needed to be up as high as possible, yet reasonably easy to maintain. It also needed to be clear of obstructions. Well, as clear as our postage-stamp sized backyard will allow. The only viable place was…

Another update: Raspberry π4 for Zoneminder part 3
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Another update: Raspberry π4 for Zoneminder part 3

Raspberry Ď€4 for ZoneMinder Part 1 – Raspberry Ď€4 8GB for Zoneminder Part 2 – Update: Raspberry Ď€4 8GB for Zoneminder Part 3 – Another update: Raspberry Ď€4 for Zoneminder (you are here) My Ď€4 Zoneminder has been running for just over two months. Overall I’m pretty happy with it. The main issue I had…

Update:  Raspberry π4 8GB for Zoneminder part 2
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Update: Raspberry π4 8GB for Zoneminder part 2

Following on from my last article, this is Raspberry Ď€4 8GB for Zoneminder part 2. Now I have had time to set it up and test it for a while. Firstly, I decided to abandon the ARM64 version of Ubuntu on Ď€ because it seems slow and clunky. Basically it seems the current beta ARM64…

Raspberry π4 8GB for Zoneminder
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Raspberry π4 8GB for Zoneminder

This is a overview of my adventures experimenting with a tiny Raspberry Ď€4 8GB for Zoneminder GNU/Linux-based security system. Raspberry Ď€4 for ZoneMinder Part 1 – Raspberry Ď€4 8GB for Zoneminder (you are here) Part 2 – Update: Raspberry Ď€4 8GB for Zoneminder Part 3 – Another update: Raspberry Ď€4 for Zoneminder Background I have…

Remote shooting using “IP Webcam” software.
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Remote shooting using “IP Webcam” software.

Folks considering remote shooting via smartphone may wish to experiment with Pavel Khlebovich’s “IP Webcam”. Basically it’s an amazingly clever and full-featured app that allows you to control the camera(s) on your smartphone with a remote computer, using standard internet protocols. I initially got into it because it plays nicely with Zoneminder. Thus any…

Clevo N150CU at night running KDE NEeon GNU/Linux c/w modified "Ghost" theme
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Clevo N150CU running GNU/Linux

Seems it’s time to buy another laptop. My trusty old Thinkpad has seen better days. Worse, a company with somewhat ironic name of “PCSpecialist” made a total pig’s breakfast of repairing my new Clevo N141ZU I had purchased from it earlier. “PCSpecialist” also lost my hard disk, then denied having it. And what “PCSpecialist” laughingly…

Ulefone 3w ruggedised smartphone
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Ulefone 3w ruggedised smartphone

I recently purchased an unlocked Chinese Ulefone Armor 3W ruggedised smartphone – c/w Mediatek chipset, 8-core 64-bit CPU, dual unlocked SIM slots, 256GiB TF slot and 10300mAH battery. I have quite a soft-spot for cheap generic Chinese phones. Of course, one has to choose the product quite carefully. You need to ensure your preferred device…

Sliderule – the eco-friendly computer from days of old
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Sliderule – the eco-friendly computer from days of old

Some of my favourite computers require no PSU, no batteries, no RAM, no disks, no upgrades and they are 100% resistant to all known malware. No, I’m not talking about some newfangled Linux. I’m talking about good old fashioned sliderules. 🙂 Sliderules top to bottom… Top: Darmstadt 304. Despite its German-sounding name, this sliderule was…